PIXNET Digital Media Corporation التطبيقات

美食搖一搖 2.3.1
《鐵路搖一搖》 2.4.1
7Headlines 3.0.3
7Headlines takes you view the world!7Headlinesis the first customized social media reading platform inthe Asiamarket, allowing viewing the latest hit information at anytime. Nomatter it is pet, 3C or chicks elated, you may subscribethemthrough the platform!Main functions of 7Headlines:My channel - Subscribe channels based on your interestMy reading – Save the articles you’re interested and read itduringyour spare timeMy scratch book – Pin down and organize the articles thatyou’reinterestedMy subscribe – Subscribe scratch books that you favorChannel settings – Add or delete channels based onyourpreferenceFor questions or suggestions, you may email: android-suppot@pixnet.tw
PIXNET Mobile Control Panel 2.0.56
Gives you the power to manage ALL your PIXNET from your Android!
搜Beauty 1.7
「搜Beauty」SoPretty!深怕花了錢卻買到雷品嗎?那絕對要下載這款比閨蜜更懂你的美妝情報APP,網羅當前網路人氣關注夯品、匯集全台超過百萬篇美妝口碑文章,開箱、試色、PK實測、技法攻略、採買指南…完整無料放送,將達人和部落客放進口袋隨身帶著走。想看得更聚焦?自己的動態牆自己決定!隨時可將喜愛產品點選收藏,方便日後查找,還能即時線上發問、分享你的真實心得,女孩們的愛美話題,精準不漏接!◇產品資料庫◇靠櫃有障礙?補貨沒靈感?最熱門、暢銷的彩妝保養品資訊都在這! ◇即時評分◇社群公評機制,徹底突破廣告盲點,美妝品好不好用?由你說了算!◇肌膚檢測◇個人專屬的美肌管家,隨行掌握最新膚況,任何疑難雜症通通有解!◇影像辨識◇採買前猶豫不決嗎?立即掃描商品,線上達人心得如神救援般降臨!◇挑戰徽章◇不只是工具、更是愛美圈的社群平台,快來創建成就兌換獨家好禮!
痞客邦 - 優質文章盡在痞客邦、期間限定文章好讀模式! 2.2.3
Ruffian State has collected more than hundreds of millions ofarticles on travel, food, film and television, parent-child, pets,etc., allowing you to easily read without burden.
叩叩-生意上門!痞客邦商家一站式行銷服務 3.0.0
PIXNET's "Knock" service uses Pikerbang big data to createaone-stop marketing service for small and medium businesses tohelpyou create a good reputation, increase online exposure, managenewand old customers, and make online marketing easier andattractmore customers. Many consumers come to your door.